• We understand that the process of obtaining a Building Approval can be quite confusing, so we have detailed a flow chart to help explain not only what will be the minimum requirements but we have also included a brief description of each process to help you when talking to any of the consultants involved or your builder.

  • This is the final certificate issued by the private certifier.  You must receive this certificate to prove your work has been approved to the building standards.

  • These certificates are inspection certificates and are needed to receive your final certificate 21.  Your builder should organise all these certificates from his various contractors.  Please note that some inspection certificates will have a cost to them, for example, inspections by engineers and issuing of inspection certificate 16. (Check with the builder if he has allocated these amounts in his building contract)

  • This is approved documents received from the private certifier.  The builder needs all the documents before he starts construction and should have a set of approved drawings on site at all times.

  • This Design Certificate is required if any engineering is involved in your construction.  It is issued by a registered engineer in Queensland (RPEQ) and is required by the certifier to issue your Building Approval.

  • A private certifier is a registered consultant with authority to lodge and assess Building Approvals.

  • Queensland Building and Construction Commission.  For most jobs, you will need to pay QBCC insurance.   The designated builder will be required to complete this insurance and make payment.  (check with the builder if he has allocated this amount in his building contract)

  • Q-Leave is required if the construction is over $150,000.  The builder will complete the necessary forms and payment. (check with the builder if he has allocated this amount in his building contract)

  • This survey is completed by a surveyor and is required for most constructions. The surveyor locates any structures on the ie. land, trees, fences, contours, heights, neighbour’s properties etc.  This report and plan does not mark the location of the structure to the boundary, this is done on the ID Survey.

  • This survey is completed by a surveyor and is required for most constructions. This report and plan marks the corners of the property.

  • This form is required by all councils to be lodged with plans and documents from the private certifier.

  • This report is compiled by a registered consultant and is required by the private certifier.  All new dwellings and new additions required this report.

  • Your local council will require you to obtain a driveway permit if you are extending your current concrete driveway or having a new concrete drive installed.

  • A plumbing application to your local council is required for new homes and any new in ground sewerage or stormwater for your construction.  All other plumbing can be signed off by a registered licenced plumber by issuing a form 4 and do not require a plumbing approval.

  • If your renovation, deck, carport or new house etc. requires any structural work than an engineer registered in Queensland (RPEQ) is required to carry out the work and issue a form 15 Design certificate.

  • A siting variation application to your local council is required if the structure you are proposing to build does not meet the requirements set out in the QBC.  Currently in Queensland building setbacks are covered by the Queensland Development Code (QBC)

  • A BOS application to your local council is required if you have stormwater services near your construction.  This council application requires drawings from a structural engineer and a CCTV survey of the existing stormwater pipe.

  • A BOS application to your local council is required if you have sewer services near your construction.  This council application requires drawings from a structural engineer.

  • Planning applications are a complex issue and can involve other consultants.  The level of approval required can only be assessed on a case by case basis.
